

1. 福如东海 (fú rú dōng hǎi) - May your blessing be as vast as the east sea

2. 平安如意 (píng ān rú yì) - May you be peaceful and content with your wishes

3. 四季平安 (sì jì píng ān) - May you have a safe and peaceful four seasons

4. 福寿安康 (fú shòu ān kāng) - May you have blessings, longevity and good health

5. 盛世长春 (shèng shì cháng chūn) - May you have a prosperous and promising future like a blooming spring

6. 五福临门 (wǔ fú lín mén) - May the five blessings be bestowed upon you

7. 财源广进 (cái yuán guǎng jìn) - May wealth pour in from all directions

8. 如日中天 (rú rì zhōng tiān) - May you be in the prime of your life and at the peak of your career

9. 回心转意 (huí xīn zhuǎn yì) - May people change from hostility to friendship with you

10. 桃李满天下 (táo lǐ mǎn tiān xià) - May your teachings and actions influence everyone around you.



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